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.nimble file reference



  • name - The name of the package. (This is not required in the new NimScript format)
  • version - The current version of this package. This should be incremented before tagging the current version using git tag or hg tag.
  • author - The name of the author of this package.
  • description - A string describing the package.
  • license - The name of the license under which this package is licensed.


  • skipDirs - A list of directory names which should be skipped during installation, separated by commas.
  • skipFiles - A list of file names which should be skipped during installation, separated by commas.
  • skipExt - A list of file extensions which should be skipped during installation, the extensions should be specified without a leading ., and should be separated by commas.
  • installDirs - A list of directories which should exclusively be installed. If this option is specified nothing else will be installed except the dirs listed here, the files listed in installFiles, the files which share the extensions listed in installExt, the .nimble file, and, if bin or namedBin is specified, the binary. Separated by commas.
  • installFiles - A list of files which should be exclusively installed. This complements installDirs and installExt. Only the files listed here, directories listed in installDirs, files which share the extension listed in installExt, the .nimble file and the binary (if bin or namedBin is specified) will be installed. Separated by commas.
  • installExt - A list of file extensions which should be exclusively installed. This complements installDirs and installFiles. Separated by commas.
  • srcDir - Specifies the directory which contains the .nim source files. Default: The directory in which the .nimble file resides; i.e. root dir of the package.
  • binDir - Specifies the directory where nimble build will output binaries. Default: The directory in which the .nimble file resides; i.e. root dir of the package.
  • bin - A list of files which should be built separated by commas with no file extension required. This option turns your package into a binary package. Nimble will build the files specified and install them appropriately.
  • namedBin - A list of name:value files which should be built with specified name, no file extension required. This option turns your package into a binary package. Nimble will build the files specified and install them appropriately. namedBin entries override duplicates in bin.
  • backend - Specifies the backend which will be used to build the files listed in bin. Possible values include: c, cc, cpp, objc, js. Default: c.



  • requires - Specifies a list of package names with an optional version range separated by commas. Example: nim >= 0.10.0, jester; with this value your package will depend on nim version 0.10.0 or greater and on any version of jester.