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This module implements the Isolated[T] type for safe construction of isolated subgraphs that can be passed efficiently to different channels and threads.

Warning: This module is experimental and its interface may change.


Isolated[T] {.sendable.} = object
Isolated data can only be moved, not copied. Source   Edit  


proc `=copy`[T](dest: var Isolated[T]; src: Isolated[T]) {.error.}
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proc `=destroy`[T](dest: var Isolated[T]) {.inline, ...raises: [].}
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proc `=sink`[T](dest: var Isolated[T]; src: Isolated[T]) {.inline.}
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func extract[T](src: var Isolated[T]): T
Returns the internal value of src. The value is moved from src. Source   Edit  
func isolate[T](value: sink T): Isolated[T] {.magic: "Isolate", ...raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}

Creates an isolated subgraph from the expression value. Isolation is checked at compile time.

Please read for more details.

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func unsafeIsolate[T](value: sink T): Isolated[T]
Creates an isolated subgraph from the expression value.
Warning: The proc doesn't check whether value is isolated.
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