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Nim ZeroMQ wrapper. This package contains the low level C wrappers as well as some higher level constructs.

The low-level C bindings can be found in zmq/bindings

The high-level Connections API can be found in zmq/connections

The high-level Polling API can be found in zmq/poller

The Async API can be found in zmq/asynczmq


import zmq
import zmq
import std/[asyncdispatch, asyncfutures]

proc client () {.async.} =
  var requester = zmq.connect("tcp://localhost:5555", REQ)
  for i in 0..10:
    echo("Sending hello... (" & $i & ")")
    send(requester, "Hello")
    var reply = await receiveAsync(requester)
    echo("Received: ", reply)

  send(requester, "STOPSERVER")

proc server() : Future[int] {.async.} =
  var responder = zmq.listen("tcp://*:5555", REP)
  while true:
    var request = await receiveAsync(responder)
    if request == "STOPSERVER": break
    echo("Received: ", request)
    send(responder, "World")

let r = server()
asyncCheck client()
let res = waitFor r
echo "Server processed ", $(res), " requests"
Based on std/asyncdispatch, receiveAsync, sendAsync allows for asynchrone behaviour When using asynchrone procs, be careful of the internal state of the ZMQ Socket. Some Socket (such as REP/REQ) cannot send two message in a row without a receive (or vice-versa)


import zmq
import std/asyncdispatch
import zmq

const N_TASK = 5

proc pusher(nTask: int): Future[void] {.async.} =
  var pusher = listen("tcp://localhost:15556", PUSH)
  defer: pusher.close()

  for i in 1..nTask:
    let task = "task-" & $i
    # unlilke `pusher.send(task)`
    # this allow other async tasks to run
    await pusher.sendAsync(task)

proc puller(id: int): Future[void] {.async.} =
  const connStr = "tcp://localhost:15556"
  var puller = connect(connStr, PULL)
  defer: puller.close()

  for i in 1 .. N_TASK:
    let task = await puller.receiveAsync()
    echo "Pull socket nĀ°", $id, " received ", task
    await sleepAsync(100)

when isMainModule:
  asyncCheck pusher(N_TASK)
  for i in 1..1:
    asyncCheck puller(i)

  while hasPendingOperations():
Find more examples in the examples and tests folder